1941 (if you're not up to date on your history, the Soviets won that one leaving Operation Barbarossa in failure) the TO&E was changed authorized only 2 semi-automatic rifles per squad. The most prevalent rifle at the time was still the M1891/30 "Mosin-Nagant" bolt-action, and around the time of the Battle of Moscow in Dec. ⚔️ This is most certainly not what actually happened, as Operation Barbarossa kicked off and many Soviet units that actually did have semi-automatics were destroyed or otherwise lost their equipment. If this was actually carried through, the Soviet Union would have probably been the second country ever (just behind the US by about 5 years) to adopt a semi-automatic rifle as standard for their frontline infantrymen. ⚔️ In the months leading up to Operation Barbarossa, TO&E updates for the Soviet rifle squad announced the ambition of arming every rifleman with the SVT-40 - the Red Army's newest semi-automatic rifle. You can check out the whole graphic history of the Soviet and Russian rifle squads from 1935 to today at the link in my bio under "Graphics"! 1941 (although not what was achieved in practice as will be explained). Here we have the planned organization of the Soviet rifle squad from April 1941 to Dec. #kalashnikov #ak47 #ak74 #firearms #assaultrifle #machinegun #rpk74 #guns #tacticool #tactical #sovietarmy #soviet #communist #ussr #coldwar #vintagefirearms #historiansunion #gunsofig #milsim #squad #weaponsdaily #dailygundose #airsoft #gunsofinstagram #kalashwood #combloc However, there may be some replacement and concurrent use of the PKP at the squad level, and the Russians are currently looking for a 5.45mm belt-fed SAW type weapon as a more permanent replacement. ⚔️ Meanwhile, the RPK-74 is the automatic rifle variant of the AK-74 platform, serving as the primary squad-level automatic weapon for the Soviet and Russian infantry (Motorized Rifles, Naval Infantry, VDV) from the 1970/80s to today.
#Bulgarian type 1 ak 47 bayonet with black handle drivers#
The AKS-74U is mostly used by tank crews in modern times, as well as by BMP/BTR drivers (although not the vehicle gunners who are in less confined quarters). This variant was intended to be used primarily by tank crews who had been intended to use the APS Stechkin automatic pistol prior. ⚔️ The AKS-74U was a carbine/personal defense weapon variant of the AK-74 introduced in 1979 and first implemented in Afghanistan. It also found itself in service with motorized rifle units concurrently with the AK-74, AKM, and AKMS. Meanwhile, the AKS-74 was a folding stock variant of the original, intended for use by paratroopers in replacement of the AKMS. This was to be replaced by the AK-74M, which offered some modernizations (including the very visible black polymer furniture as standard. ⚔️ The original is the AK-74, which replaced the AKM as the Soviet Union's first-line service rifle in 1974 and saw extensive use in the Soviet-Afghan War in the 1980s. Pick up the poster at the link in my bio under "Shop" or on my "Russia/USSR" story highlight! Here we have a collaboration with showing off some Kalashnikov AK-74 variants. #kalashnikov #ak47 #assaultrifle #sovietunion #russianarmy #avtomat #gunstagram #firearms #dailygundose #igmilitia #guns #rifle #gun #combloc #communism #ussr #althistory #weaponsdaily #gunsdaily #milsim #gunsofig #gunsofinstagram #militaryhistory #machinegun #akfanatics Meanwhile, the senior rifleman commands the maneuver element which is made up of riflemen. The fire element is led by the squad commander and consists of the squad's RPD machine gun team and RPG-2 team. The squad consists of a maneuver element and fire element. ⚔️ Here, we've taken the Soviet Motorized Rifle Squad's organization from the mid- to late-1950s and replaced the AK one-for-one with the AB-47. Like the AK-47, the AB-47 chambered 7.62x41mm (would change to 7.62x39mm when adopted in 1949) and operated via a long-stroke gas piston operation. ⚔️ If Kalashnikov wasn't given a second chance, Bulkin's AB-46, also known as its Tula designation TKB-415, would have been the front runner in the trials. However, word on the street is that Kalashnikov used his connections at the commission to stay in the contest and allow for further development of his concept. Kalashnikov's AK-46 was eliminated from the trials. The action was significantly different in the AK-46, featuring a short-stroke piston system rather than the characteristic long-stroke that the AK-47 moved to. ⚔️ Although the final iteration of Kalashnikov's prototypes, the AK-47, was adequately reliable and would be adapted into the AK in 1949, initial prototypes of the earlier AK-46 were not as refined. Our newest alternate history scenario: What if the Kalashnikov AK-46 was eliminated from Soviet assault rifle trials and its main competitor, the AB-46/AB-47 won?